The services of freelancers around the world are increasing in demand. The number of remote employees is growing fast, and they will likely outnumber regular office workers. Employers understand well that this new model of business relations is in many aspects ahead of the in-house one.
A work routine you are doing from 9 to 5 is fairly simple. You only have to wake up early in the morning and be at the office on time. You can leave your job at five in the afternoon and put off all its troubles until tomorrow. And that’s what you would do five days a week, sticking to a 40-hour plan.
However, everybody’s different. Some are “night owls,” and others are “early larks.” For the “owls,” getting up early every day is torture. Moreover, they usually cannot be productive or creative in the morning. Their activity peaks during the evening hours. A 9:5 job can be unbearable for some folks, and they usually dream about getting a job with a flexible schedule, even if they lose in wages.
Today, many employers start to consider more the needs of their employees (which might sound surprising). Outsourcing is the new norm of the 21st century. Just like students can get some of their college papers online, employers are slowly moving toward the practice of ordering various services from freelancers rather than paying office rent and handling everything that comes with it.
How much time do people usually waste commuting? A freelancer can choose their workplace. You can work at home or that lovely cafe three feet away, as long as you have a laptop with you.
A freelance job can be an additional income channel for many professionals. For people who are not satisfied with their wages, the freelance business is an excellent opportunity to earn extra. For example, teachers and translators can work as copywriters in the evening after their primary job. Legal advisers and business consultants can start a blog or offer paid training courses.
Many experts in various fields can earn more by using distant employment without leaving their primary jobs. If the services of an expert are in good demand, then over time, freelance can become the primary and more profitable way of working.
In most cases, freelancers don’t have expenses related to their business. They can work from anywhere in the world. For employers hiring remotely, the city of residence, age, and gender of an employee are practically irrelevant. The two factors that matter here are timeliness and quality.
Freelancers are searching for suitable jobs on special freelance services. Young specialists can get an opportunity to put their skills to test, especially when there are so many offers to choose from.
However, the experience of an applicant is usually what the employer pays most attention to. The higher the candidate’s qualification, the more chances they are hired and paid more.
Tech skills, including knowledge and experience in fields like software and web developing, Internet marketing, and SEO copywriting, are currently associated with the highest wages. So, let’s take a look at the best-paid freelance professions in 2019.
1. Web Development

This industry has long firmly taken the lead in the market of freelance services. Freelance web developer jobs are in high demand at the moment.
The best thing is that you can start with minimal skills and experience. Yes, you won’t get millions and billions right away, but you can jumpstart a great career.
Many job offers are related to the development of websites that require knowledge of HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Don’t forget about PHP developers who are highly needed for mobile app projects. And to find and fix various bugs and improve the product, they would also need QA engineers.
So, the market requires a lot of specialists in this area, and, the first place will likely not be given to other sectors any time soon.
As reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, this field is expected to expand by 15% by 2026.
2. Copywriting and Rewriting

Copywriters are people who write (surprising, right?) different texts for company websites, social networks, blogs, etc. Enterprises and entrepreneurs can attract new customers, inform their target audience, and create a positive business image thanks to these experts.
Besides a nice design, a good website should also offer high-quality content. To attract potential consumers and increase sales, an online business needs professionally-written texts.
Copywriting is a creative work that requires knowledge and experience. Internet copywriting is developing very dynamically through its direct connection with website promotion. Therefore, SEO-copywriting has many features besides writing texts.
You might be required to know a thing or two about website optimization for search engines or at least understand its basic terms such as meta titles, anchors, keywords, etc. Professional copywriting can also include other tasks such as the development of media elements or creating an engagement strategy.
3. Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is how you can get your website ranking in the top of search results. The experts in this field are responsible for ensuring your website doesn’t get lost among thousands of similar sites and becomes more accessible for your target audience. This, in turn, will get more customers to the pages of the website, potentially increasing your sales.
Job responsibilities of SEO experts usually include data analysis, link building, site optimization, semantic core creation, and drawing up content plans.
4. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

SMM means promotion through social networks. Over the past several years, thousands of companies have started building their Internet presence via social networks to expand their influence and attract customers.
Posts and records are increasing brand awareness, providing they’re engaging and provides value to readers. Descriptions of products and practical recommendations for selecting goods can also increase the number of sales.
Working in SMM usually means maintaining and developing the social media accounts of companies and their executives. However, promoting personal accounts and showing activity on social platforms only seems like no big deal. In reality, every move you make and every post you create must be thought-out and have a clear purpose.
5. Selling Products and Services

Professionals in sales are appreciated in all businesses. Even large enterprises can lack efficient selling experts. Such a job can be easily found even without experience in this field.
After a while, you can become a specialist in sales. As you progress, salary, position, and income also will increase. Most often, bonuses for selling the company’s products and services will also come, so your real revenue will be much higher.
Also, career opportunities in this area are not limited. You can be promoted to a project manager, or you can increase sales using other means. It doesn’t matter which of the event options you select. You can earn good money in any case.
This list of freelance jobs with the highest payment rates is still incomplete. Various specialists in architecture, accounting, land design, public relations, financial management, journalism, translation, music composing, games development, video engineering, web development and many other fields can also work remotely.
freelancers The freelancers can choose their workplace