How To Create Filters in Shopify (Collection filters, custom filters)

Welcome to WebSensePro! In this guide, we’ll take you through adding custom and default filters to your Shopify collection page using the latest Shopify Dawn theme update (15.0.0). Follow these steps to enhance your store’s navigation and improve customers’ shopping experience.

Step 1: Install the Shopify Search and Discovery App

Installing the Shopify Search and Discovery app is the first step in adding filters to your collection page. This app is free and available directly from Shopify.

  1. Go to your Shopify admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Apps.
  3. Click on Customize your store.
  4. Search for “Shopify Search and Discovery” and install the app.

Step 2: Add Basic Filters (Price and Availability)

With the app installed, you can start adding basic filters such as price and availability.

  1. Open the Shopify Search and Discovery app.
  2. Click on Filters.
  3. Click on Add Filter.
  4. Choose Availability and click Save.
  5. Repeat the process for Price.

Verify Filters

  1. Go to your collection page.
  2. Refresh the page to see the newly added filters.
  3. You should see filters for availability (in stock/out of stock) and price.

Step 3: Explore and Add Additional Filters

You can add more filters to further refine your collection page, such as category, product type, tags, and product options (variants).

  1. Open the Shopify Search and Discovery app.
  2. Click on Filters and then Add Filter.
  3. Choose from the available options like Category, Product Type, Tags, etc.

Adding Variant Filters (e.g., Color)

  1. Go to Product Options in the filter settings.
  2. Select a variant option like Color.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Verify by refreshing your collection page to see the color filter in action.

Step 4: Create Custom Filters with Metafields

For more advanced filtering, you can use Metafields to create custom filters. In this example, we’ll create a filter for product material.

Create a Metafield

  1. Go to your Shopify admin dashboard.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Select Custom Data and then Products.
  4. Click on Add Definition.
  5. Name your Metafield (e.g., Material).
  6. Choose Single Line Text as the type.
  7. Enable the option to use this Metafield as a filter.
  8. Click Save.

Add Metafield Values to Products

  1. Go to Products in your Shopify admin.
  2. Select a product to edit.
  3. Scroll down to the Metafields section.
  4. Add a value for the Material Metafield (e.g., 100% Cotton).
  5. Repeat for other products.

Add Metafield Filters to the Collection Page

  1. Open the Shopify Search and Discovery app.
  2. Click on Filters and then Add Filter.
  3. Choose Metafields and select the Material Metafield you created.
  4. Click Save.

Verify Custom Filters

  1. Go to your collection page.
  2. Refresh the page to see the custom material filter in action.

By following these steps, you’ve successfully added both default and custom filters to your Shopify collection page, enhancing your store’s usability and customer experience. Be sure to subscribe to our channel for more Shopify tips and tutorials. If you’re new to Shopify, check out the link in the description to sign up for just $1 a month!

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