Step 1
Sorting product pictures making sure they are aligned, check screenshot below for example:
Match Variant Color options order with product images, check below screenshot for example:
Attach the first image of each group to a variant image.
Step 2
Add the following code in settings_schema.json file
"name": "Selected Variant Images",
"settings": [
"type": "paragraph",
"content": "Subscribe our channel [websensepro]("
"type": "text",
"id": "selected_option_name",
"label": "Variant option name",
"default": "Color",
"info": "Attach the first image of each group to a variant."
"type": "paragraph",
"content": "If you have store in multi-language, you can enter multiple values separated by commas: Color,Colour,Couleur"
Step 3
Add the following code in main-product.liquid
{% if product.metafields.custom.selected_variant == true or product.metafields.custom.selected_variant == null %}
.hidden {
display: none;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const mediaGallery = document.querySelector('media-gallery');
const productSection = document.querySelector(".product-variant-id");
const sectionID = "{{ }}";
// Ensure required elements are available
if (!mediaGallery || !productSection) {
console.error('Required elements are missing from the DOM.');
const handle = `products/${"{{ product.handle }}"}.js`;
.then(response => response.json())
.then(product => {
const optionsToWatch = "{{ settings.selected_option_name }}".split(",");
const colorOption = product.options.find(option => optionsToWatch.includes( || null;
if (!colorOption) {
console.warn("No relevant options available for this product.");
const colorValues = colorOption.values;
const colorImagePositions = {};
// Map colors to their starting image positions
colorValues.forEach(color => {
const variant = product.variants.find(variant => variant.options[colorOption.position - 1] === color);
if (variant && variant.featured_image) {
colorImagePositions[color] = variant.featured_image.position;
// Sort colors by starting image position
const sortedColors = Object.entries(colorImagePositions).sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]);
const colorImageRanges = {};
sortedColors.forEach((color, index) => {
const colorName = color[0];
const startPos = color[1];
const endPos = sortedColors[index + 1] ? sortedColors[index + 1][1] : null;
colorImageRanges[colorName] = endPos ? [startPos, endPos] : [startPos];
// Group image IDs by color based on image ranges
const colorImageIDs = {};
Object.entries(colorImageRanges).forEach(([color, range]) => {
const startPos = range[0];
const endPos = range[1] || + 1; // If no end position, use the end of the media list
const imageIDs =
.filter((media, index) => {
const imagePosition = index + 1; // Adjust index to be position-based
return imagePosition >= startPos && imagePosition < endPos;
.map(media =>;
colorImageIDs[color] = imageIDs;
// Apply data-media-group attributes to images
Object.entries(colorImageIDs).forEach(([color, imageIDs]) => {
imageIDs.forEach(mediaID => {
const selector = `[data-media-id="${sectionID}-${mediaID}"], [data-target="${sectionID}-${mediaID}"]`;
const mediaItems = mediaGallery.querySelectorAll(`li${selector}`);
mediaItems.forEach(mediaItem => {
mediaItem.setAttribute('data-media-group', color);
const showVariantImage = () => {
const variantSelects = document.querySelector('variant-selects');
// Get the selected color
const currentValues = Array.from(
variantSelects.querySelectorAll('select option[selected], fieldset input:checked')
).map(el => el.value);
const selectedColor = currentValues.find(value => colorImageRanges.hasOwnProperty(value));
// Show/hide images based on the selected color
mediaGallery.querySelectorAll('ul li[data-media-group]').forEach(mediaItem => {
if (mediaItem.getAttribute('data-media-group') === selectedColor) {
} else {
// Reinitialize slider if necessary
mediaGallery.querySelectorAll('slider-component').forEach(slider => {
if (typeof slider.initPages === 'function') {
// Initial display setup
// Update images when a new variant is selected
productSection.addEventListener('change', showVariantImage);
.catch(error => console.error("Error fetching product data:", error));
{% endif %}
4.4/5 - (39 votes)