Agile Methodology:
We at WebSensePro believe in perfection but it don’t comes easily. For achieving that we use the agile methodology in which we divide our tasks into sub tasks and try to achieve our goals step by step by diving them into short and long term goals. Each of our completed tasks is approved by our client then look forward for the next task
We always give special attention towards our Planning. What we think is a successful planning is the key to complete any project efficiently, successfully and within the required time period. We plan our by dividing into pieces like Gathering requirements, UI Design, Tools which we going to use and any other requirement of client.
After completing the above mentioned steps we write a detailed proposal in which we mention all our planning and attach all the wire frames, cost and time period in which all the desired requirements would take the shape of our complete Web App.
If our clients don’t provide us the User Interface Design. Then we start working on the design phase. We Design by keeping in mind the requirements given by the client, and when they approve it we move forward to the development phase otherwise try our best to satisfy our client with the better design.
Testing & Delivery:
Now its the turn of our Testing phase. In this phase we go through the complete website, each page from top to bottom. We test each our functionality multiple time so that we are 100% satisfied that we have done a perfect job.
After the testing phase we send the website to our client than if client is satisfied then we upload the website to their desired hosting else we work upon the changes mentioned by our client and then make our website live.
Development Phase:
After the approval of Design we start working on the implementation of our Design as well as Development of our web site. Our First step is to Convert the UI Design into the Pixel Perfect Css, then using the Javascript and Jquery for further design enhancement like animations,showing and hiding content and other different features. Than we start converting our site into required Content Management System like WordPress, Joomla, Expression Engine and other CMS as well.
Our main goal is to fully satisfy our client and for achieving that we don’t leave our client alone just after the completion of project. .But we are always there for them if they need any kind of support in updating their content or any other assistance regarding the project.