5 Quick Ways to Increase Website Conversion Rate

Website Conversion Rate:

We can define conversion rate as a percentage of those visitors of website who did the business with websites.

Ask a marketer or business owner what they’d like most from their website and they’ll probably tell you “more customers or increase conversions.” What will happen after they get more customers on a business’ wish list? More traffic to their website. Nowadays, there are many ways to get increase traffic on your website but following are the tips and tricks which can actually help you to increase website conversion rate.

  1. Get Active on Social Media

It’s not to just share social content on social channels; you also need to actively participate in the in posts, comments, discussions in public/private groups. Answer questions and engage with your readers. Social media is biggest tool now a day to get connected with your fans, readers, every type of user of your website, Facebook page or follower on your Twitter account.

  1. Single Field Popups:

Whenever asking information from user or visitor through email opt-in form, Always ask necessary and less information, using more fields will decrease conversion rate by 10 to 12 %.

  1. Use Testimonials:

Testimonials provide social proof and also reduce risks; more than 60% percent of people agree that they would always make an order after watching advertisements or reviews by people. Means more number of satisfied client more the number of new clients.

  1. Don’t Neglect Email Marketing:

So many businesses focusing on email to get contact to new customers/consumers, E-mail marketing can be a powerful tool for promotion of your business.

  1. Make Sure Your Site Is Fast:

Are you get irritate while web page is taking 30 seconds to load? If your loading time is high your bounce rate will be sky high. Make sure that you have added low weighted pictures, videos, documents in your site.

Here is the more detailed article to increase your website conversion rate

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