8 Best SEO Tips For 2015

Search engine optimization(SEO) is a buzz phrase with a lot of confusing information attached to it. All it really means is that you are looking to write content with keywords that fulfill the following two requirements as much as possible.

1) Categorizing content incorrectly.

Using tags for blog posts (particularly business blog posts) can be a bit tricky because as time progresses and your site evolve, categories and your own ideas can shift and change.

2) Not using Google authorship.

Google authorship in Google plus page is a simple tool that allows everyone to connect all of the website content online to content that you have written to your Google plus profile (even content that is posted on other site). One of the most important point is that it posts a picture of you next to anything you have authored that comes up in all search engines. Which leads to a higher click-through rate and more traffic because people are more likely to visit a link with a photo of a real Google plus profile next to it.

3) Don’t ignore Google+ and authorship.

It’s no news google search engine lets google plus strongly influence Google search result. Use this tool by building up the credibility of a personal Google+ profile and trying to connect your content with Google authorship.

4) Don’t show your site’s unfriendly seo URL’s with general public.

Nowadays, search engines don’t emphasize much to key-word rich urls as they used to, but these urls can still help you with improving relevance of the content, if you are planning to optimize your urls, don’t forget to 301 redirect your old urls to your newly-optimized urls.

5) Don’t ignore Google analytics.

Google analytics is one of the most key effective tools when improving the performance of your seo campaign. In addition to all the basic rules and regulations it providers, it also has brilliant ecommerce tracking codes that allow owners to measure the whole amount of sales revenue which is generated through organic search results. This is a good way to measure your organic traffic whether it is converting your prospects into customers or not.

6) Don’t have duplicate content.

Google is not a fond seeing repetitive content. Just make it possible all repeated content/material should not copied or taken from any other website. To find duplicate content,look at your google webmaster tools account and go to search appearance > html improvements adding a canonical meta tag can also help solve duplicate content and url issues.
In addition, best content helps grab “informational search queries” meaning people who ever are looking for information only. When you have good-quality material for them to read, your website is seen as a best subject matter.

7) Don’t over-optimize your incoming links with keyword rich anchor text.

Too much of repetitive keyword or meta tags can be bad thing for SEO, especially when it comes to improving anchor text in your website. You should introduce different fruits into your linking strategy. For example, if you sell online courses and have five sites linking to you, you will not want all hyperlinks to say “buy online courses” this may violate google’s SEO guidelines and won’t win you any favors in terms of Search Engine Optimization.

8) Submitting a sitemap to google

A sitemap is essentially a diagram of your site that makes it easy for search engines to crawl and index your pages. Whenever you start your word press site, submitting a sitemap to google should on the top of your priority list.
Sitemaps are submitting via google websmasters tools and can be generating by any of the following websites.
Xml sitemaps
Goole sitemap generator
Sitemap doc

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