Dawn Theme14.0.0- What Are New Features?

Hey there, Shopify enthusiasts! It’s time for another exciting Shopify feature release video, and in today’s video, we’re diving deep into the Dawn theme version 14.0.0. Hosted by none other than Bilal Naseer, this walkthrough will showcase the latest enhancements and modifications introduced in Dawn 14.0.0.

Let’s break down each feature step by step:

Quick Add Bulk Functionality:

Dawn 14.0.0 introduces the new Quick Add Bulk functionality, a game-changer for product management. Integrated seamlessly into the product grid and featured collection sections, this feature streamlines operations for Shopify merchants. Follow along as Bilal demonstrates how to enable and utilize this feature, enhancing your productivity with bulk product additions.

Sign In with Shop:

With the integration of Sign In with Shop, Dawn opens doors to a seamless shopping experience across platforms. Learn how to leverage the Shop Android and iOS app to expand your customer reach and simplify the sign-in process. Bilal walks you through the installation process and highlights the benefits of connecting with potential buyers through the Shop app.

Classic Customer Account Login Page:

Dawn 14.0.0 brings convenience to the forefront with the addition of the Classic Customer Account Login Page. Discover how this feature empowers customers to sign in effortlessly using the Shop app on Android or iOS devices. Bilal demonstrates the setup process, ensuring a smooth transition for both merchants and customers.

Enhanced Filter Options:

Explore the enhanced filter capabilities of Dawn 14.0.0, including adding images to filters. Bilal guides you through creating and customizing meta objects, enabling you to create immersive shopping experiences with visual aids. Learn how to integrate pictures and swatches into your filters using the Search and Discovery app, elevating product exploration for your customers.

Keyboard Support for Quick Order List:

Improve the user experience on the product page with enhanced keyboard support for the Quick Order List section. Bilal demonstrates how this feature enhances accessibility and streamlines order processing, catering to a diverse range of customers.

Increased Products per Page:

Dawn now supports displaying up to 36 products per page, providing greater flexibility in product showcasing. Follow Bilal as he compares the product grid settings between Dawn 13.0.1 and Dawn 14.0.0, highlighting the significant improvement in product visibility and browsing experience.

Multi-column Collection List and Product Grids:

    Maximize product visibility with increased columns for related product sections. Learn how to leverage multi-column layouts in collection lists and product grids, enhancing layout options and optimizing product discovery for your customers.

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