How to Add a Customized Cart Icon to Your Shopify Store?

How to Add a Customized Cart Icon to Your Shopify Store?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to WebSense Pro. In this video tutorial, I will show you how to add a customized cart icon to your Shopify store using the latest version, DAWN 12.0.0. However, rest assured that you can apply these steps to any of the free theme versions, as they share the same code base with varying styles and colors. By the end of this video, you’ll have a sleek cart icon that suits your website’s style. If you’re eager to learn, stick with me through this tutorial, and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and leave your comments, which will inspire us to create more content for you.

Step 1: Install a Fresh DAWN Theme
Let’s get started by heading to the backend of your development store. Click on “Online Store,” and if you already have a theme with a custom cart icon, you can install a fresh DAWN theme to see how it works. Click on “Themes,” and scroll down to find the DAWN theme. Click on the “Add” button to install it.

Step 2: Publish the Fresh DAWN Theme
Once DAWN 12.0.0 is installed, simply click on “Publish” to activate it. You can also preview the theme to see the default cart icon.

Step 3: Access the Code Editor
Now, to add a custom cart icon, go back to the theme customization by clicking “Customize” and then the three small dots. Select “Edit Code” to access the theme’s code editor. If you’re concerned about making changes to the code, you can create a duplicate theme for safety.

Step 4: Locate the Cart Icon Code
In the code editor, use the search function to find the code responsible for displaying the cart icon. Look for a file named “icon-cart.liquid” under the “Snippets” section. This is the liquid file that controls the cart icon’s appearance in your store.

Step 5: Find an SVG Cart Icon
To add a customized cart icon, you’ll need an SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file. SVG is ideal for icons as they don’t lose quality when zoomed in. You can find SVG icons on websites like Alternatively, you can use other icon repositories or convert PNG icons to SVG.

Step 6: Download an SVG Cart Icon
Search for a cart icon on, and choose one that matches your website’s style. You can filter by color and style. Once you’ve found the icon you like, click “Download SVG Vector.”

Step 7: Replace the Default Cart Icon
Open the downloaded SVG file in your code editor. Copy the SVG code and replace the code in the “icon-cart.liquid” file in your theme. Save the changes.

Step 8: Preview Your Store
Finally, preview your development store to see the updated cart icon. Your cart icon will now reflect the custom design you chose.

That’s it for this tutorial! You’ve successfully added a customized cart icon to your Shopify store using DAWN 12.0.0 or any free theme version. Remember that the SVG format ensures your icon remains crisp and clear at any size. If you enjoyed this tutorial, let us know in the comments. Our team is actively working on fulfilling your requests, so stay tuned for more content. Don’t forget to hit the bell icon to receive notifications about our new videos. Until the next video, have a great day!

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