Make Your Business Dominant with Quality Responsive Website

Almost every new business is seeking for a mobile version of their existing website. In the field of web development and designing, we are getting newer device resolutions every single day thanks to the companies who create smart phones every single day. For most of the websites creating a different version for each resolution is impossible that’s where we use responsive approach for our websites.

What basically is responsive website?

Responsive Website is an approach that tells how the design should respond to user based on screen size and device orientation (Horizontal or Vertical) so for example on a phone visitor would see a content in one column but in tablet it will show in 2 columns and in desktop it will show in 4 columns. Obviously if website will show same desktop version to phone users, visitors will have to zoom in to see the whole page. Take a look at the following to see responsive website design in action.

Flexible design

A few years back, when flexible website layouts were quite popular in the market. Only things flexible in those were columns, rows and the texts. Images in those were still becoming a cause to break the layout. But now we can also make images automatically adjusted. There are many tricks present to resize image proportionally and most of them are easily done.

Media Queries based on resolution size

Media queries allow us to craft a quality responsive website without much of a hassle. Complete details for how to implement media queries in your website can be found here

Relative sizes should be used for images

Don’t forget to use relative units when specifying sizes for images to save them from accidently being overflowed in the layout. To find out all the best practices recommended by Google read this article in detail.

WebSensePro is always updating itself to provide best possible results to its client in terms of crafting Quality Responsive Website. If you are thinking why you should outsource your web development process please read out detailed article here.

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