How To Make Parent Menu Item Clickable [Dawn Theme]

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to make the parent menu item clickable in Shopify’s Dawn Theme. By default, Shopify’s parent menu items are often non-clickable, which can limit user navigation. I’ll walk you through a simple solution to make the parent items clickable, allowing you to link directly to key pages or collections.

Step 1: Replace code in header-dropdown-menu.liquid

Find the following code:

                  {%- if link.child_active %}
                  {% endif %}
                  {{- link.title | escape -}}

Replace it with the following code

                  id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}"
                  class="list-menu__item link--text focus-inset"
                  href="{{ link.url }}" style="text-decoration:none;"
                    {%- if link.child_active %}
                    {% endif %}
                    {{- link.title | escape -}}

Step 2: Replace code in header-dropdown-menu.liquid

Find the following code:

<span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>

And replace it with following code

                            id="HeaderMenu-{{ link.handle }}"
                            class="list-menu__item link--text focus-inset"
                            href="{{ childlink.url }}"
                            <span>{{ childlink.title | escape }}</span>
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