Real-Time Delivery Dates on Shopify: Increase Trust and Sales

Are you looking to improve your Shopify store’s customer experience by showing real-time delivery dates? Want to give your customers accurate shipping estimates without relying on third-party services?

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use Liquid code to display dynamic delivery dates on your Shopify store. By leveraging the power of Liquid, you can calculate and display shipping dates based on order fulfillment times, carrier schedules, and other variables.

Not only will this enhance your customers’ experience by providing up-to-date shipping information, but it can also help you increase sales by reducing cart abandonment and improving trust in your brand.

We’ll cover everything you need to know, including how to customize the delivery date display, troubleshoot common issues, and ensure that your delivery date calculations are accurate.

Join us and learn how to implement real-time delivery dates using Liquid code on your Shopify store. With this powerful feature in your toolkit, you’ll be able to deliver an exceptional customer experience and drive more sales.

Add the following code to Custom Liquid blog:

.delivery-date, .delivery-date p, .delivery-date div { display:inline;}

{% if product.metafields.custom.number_of_days_for_delivery != blank %}
                      <div class="delivery-date">
                        <p><b>Estimated Delivery Date:</b></p>
                          <div id="m-date">
                          {% assign days_to_add = product.metafields.custom.number_of_days_for_delivery | date: "%s" | times: 86400 %}
{% assign future_date = 'now' | date: "%s" | plus: days_to_add | date: "%d %b" %} {{ future_date }}
                      {% endif %}

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