Website Usability Guidelines

What and why, when we go to web design and / or programming our website development, we think primarily in the satisfaction of our visitors to be able to execute what they wish to do so easily and without much effort into learning to move around our website.

To achieve the above, it is good to follow, keep in mind, several guidelines or basic tips on usability:

We provide a quick reading of the contents.

I think this concept we will see clearer if we look at both a newspaper on paper and one digital website.

As we can see, we have enabled us to read with the following techniques:

a) Making use of the different levels of headings: <h2> web design and development </ h2>, and the use of paragraphs <p>, lists <ul>, bold <strong>, etc., one visualization features content that rapid falcilita while reading is obtained hierarchy.

b) been grouped under a single title things / elements are interrelated.
In the news of the 1000 lines it has been grouped text and photo-reading quickly and links for more information on the news or more information.

We must use the conventions defined
On websites and in newspapers, over time they have created a series of unwritten rules / conventions that facilitate the user, regardless of the newspaper or web visit, knows his way around the web and to be taken into account.
These are:

a) links: If convention is that the link text to go to other content with the passage of time, this convention has been modified to the fact that the effect appear when the mouse pointer over the link text -a stands: hover-.

b) Scroll bars. 3 panoramic 16: 9- horizontal scroll bars-more now that we are moving screens are recommended. It is recommended to add vertical bars, adding more bars, you can only confuse or create “noise” on the page.

c) Frames / Frame and bars: There are two reasons that discourage the use of both frames / frames and their associated bars. One, as indicated in the previous point, except that most likely a quick read that new bar goes unnoticed; another, the fact that is becoming increasingly obsolete frames for a more standardized nor use the div to say when the 5- HTML is implemented.

Not only must keep up with web standards, but the standards, guidelines and conventions on the use of web usability.

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