Big Names Who Gained Victory with Offshore Outsourcing

Starting and developing your own product/brand may require value of Cost, Innovation and Conveyance most of the time you have idea but limited resources for converting your idea into a marketable/sell-able product.

So, don’t you think offshore outsourcing can help you with that?

Companies Started With Offshore Outsourcing

No doubt finding right talent and skills is really a difficult thing but there are number of shining stars that successfully implemented outsourcing strategy. Let’s read about those glittering stars:

A well-known messaging app they started with outsourcing in starting days

An e-commerce company established in 2010 worth more than 1 billion dollars

Who does not know about Skype today? Heartbeat for all internet communications they started their operations with the team of Developers in Estonia

If you are a developer than you should know about Github really well Cloud based version control system for code repositories it’s really an awesome tool for developers to build another big thing remotely. Github has used numerous freelancers for their development work.

Another big name in the technology who have a proven success track records from the start in the Database technology using mostly outsourced staffing strategy.

Reading above list proves that outsourcing provide cost benefits and help companies to build there infrastructures quickly, it’s like a starting driver for companies who are willing to build next big thing.

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