
PHP Tutorials For Beginner

PHP Tutorials For Beginners: HTML knowledge is required prior to this PHP is a hypertext preprocessor, i.e PHP is a language for development of HTML documents are interpreted on the server when required. Unlike a PHP programming language need not be compiled before running it at the time that invokes the Web server will interpret …

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HTML5 Intro

While HTML5 is a language that has been developing for more than six years , its application in real systems and popularization came after his triumph over XHTML2 to become the new standard markup language for web development. Because of their relatively recent entry into the world of development, there are few who know exact science full properties of …

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Website Factors That Affect SEO

Search Engine Optimization is generally comprised of two distinctly different activities… optimizing the website itself, referred to as “on page optimization, referred to as “off page” optimization. Which both strategies must be employed for the best effect, most SEO Consultants begin with he on page optimization work before beginning their off page optimzation efforts. In …

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Wordpress development by WebSensePro

Word Press

Word Press is an unpaid software, this means you are free to download, install, use and recast it. You can use it to design any kind of website. It is also open connection which means the origin code of the software is free for any one to read, recast and play with. Due to the …

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